Monday, 30 June 2014

Lumion environment and moving elements

This architecture's design is based off of the idea that when architecture and engineering are combined despite their juxtapositions, limitless potential can be achieved and a freedom in structural form can be achieved. The incredulous idea of floating structures provide the sense of the impossible being achieved while the unification of engineering structural load bearing members with a bright design of large scale rooms unsupported from below gives a depiction of what a futuristic architectural school can appear to be.

View of model and environment
Side view including moving components
Aerial view
Lecture Hall
Computer labs
Studio spaces
Library and research spaces
Low angle view
Student meeting room
Fly Through

Moving Elements

Lumion Dropbox:

Student Feedback


Sketchup model:

Sketchup model

-View of model

-Gallery Space-The floor of this space as well as most other floors utilizes a Linear texture. This space also utilizes a reflective texture for the window and special panels hanging above

-The bridge. This long bridge is one of the moveable components, this bridge also supports the theory through its use of the truss, a symbollic engineering invention for efficient structural strength juxaposed with the less structurally prevalent idea a of floating bridge

-Computer labs. This space is designed to be close to the studios and workshops for easy access 

-Lecture hall. Extensive use of glass for the side walls gives a refreshing view of the outside in contrast to the various engineering based elements throughout the structure

-Library and Research Space for Academic Staff. A place for both students and staff to study in, multiple structural elements are juxtaposed with the utilization elements of curved designs.

-One of the other Moving elements, this rotor is held together by curved steel truss beam, combining both architectural design and engineering thinking

-Offices for both general and academic staff and meeting room for staff

-Meeting room for students on top of library

-Studio Space

Strucutral elements can be seen above, holding the space together despite lack of support underneath the floating bridge

Sketchup model:

Inspirations and ideas used

Plan of Vitra Fire Station by Zaha Hadid

Photograph of the Vitra Fire Station

Early Concepts:

Initial model after extruding from section made from plan

Decided that a using the plan on one dimension would make it difficult to create the spaces required, broke up the section and split up areas on top of each other

36 textures

Two Point Perspectives

-weaponized geometry

-two into one

-Long vs Tall

- Unsupported Stacking

-Shadow in the light

-Hiding the gaps

-Destruction of Vertical Limits

-Reading between layers

-Floating levels

-Hidden support

-Longitudinal advantage

-Reaching new heights

-Cross path cube

-Hidden direction

-Sheltered Form under frame

-Mass Combination

-Spread over compact

-False Structural Weakness