Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Final Submission for EXP 2

Simplicity is represented in this space through a repeating textural pattern which enables a clear understanding of the buildings concepts.

The meeting point of the two structures combines both concepts in the texture and the pathway where simplicity challenging convention is noted

Conventional Architecture is changed in the uses of unnaturally sized forms and textures to derive from the norm. Placement of the monument with such a view further compliments this idea.

Lumion Link


Sketchup Link


Thirty Six Textures and Electroliquid Aggregation

Thirty Six Textures

Chosen Three Textures

Light: Used for the "mechanical" component of the monument. The style is representative of digital networks relating to machinery, a constantly changing form.

Medium: This is used for the central joining platform. It combines both a mechanical nature in its reference to technological terminology and simplicity in use of just lines in its texture

Dark: Used for the inside of the SANAA component of the building. Its use of just one repeating pattern outlines simplicity and organisation, further enhanced in that one ordered pattern using only one shape

Electroliquid Aggregation: 

Mechanical Movement: Universal convention is constantly changing through an automated movement in ideas creating a multifaceted nature of representation of Architectural forms.

Simplicity in Form: For understanding come to those who view architecture, simplistic resolution is the the means for enabling interpretation to occur

Universally conventional architecture provide a constantly changing multifaceted representation of ideas in which resolution is optimally found in simplicity of form, opening a gateway to interpretation for those viewing such forms.

Interconnecting pairs sketch up model in Lumion

Parallel Projections and Interconnecting Pairs

SANAA: Flexibility and Fluidity + Pure Geometrical Forms

SANAA: Simplicity + Lebbeus Woods: Mechanical Movement---This is the model I wish to develop

Lebbeus Woods: Disregards Ground Plane, Terrestrial + War fabricated Architecture

Sketchup Model in Lumion

Pairs of Axonometrics

Lebbeus Woods: War fabricated Architecture

Lebbeus Woods: Disregards Ground Plane, Terrestrial

Lebbeus Woods: Mechanical Movement

SANAA: Simplicity

SANAA: Flexibility and Fluidity

SANAA: Pure Geometrical Forms